will notice that we sometimes have an overarching job and then other
similar jobs eg. Tennis Coach -
has also Assistant Tennis Coach; Head Tennis
Coach & High Performance Tennis Coach.
Also, as we come across jobs
that could be put under a previous researched job, we add them with the icon
showing this new addition.
Job names
are listed on
Full Job Listing in
August 2024. Some
of these job names shows alternative names eg. wholesale butcher is described
under butcher.
Emerging Job as indicated by National Skills Commission
& Africa Children's University
"On the Job" is an official
online learning destination.
Go and
have a look!
Going, Gone - Jobs from Yesteryear!
The icon of the Elevator Operator indicates jobs that
no longer exist or are on their way out! This list of jobs from yesteryear
shows students what these jobs entailed. A lot of jobs involved child
Here is the
January 2024:
Curie's Paris lab saved from the bulldozers... for now
January 2024:
Prof. Genevieve Bell became the first female Vice-Chancellor of
Job Cluster:
Operating Theatre Jobs
Critical Thinking Spots
At the beginning of June, we
started putting "Critical Thinking Spots" onto our pages. These are mostly
articles from The Conversation
written by academics who have researched the topic thoroughly.
The Critical Thinking Spots have
questions to ponder after reading the article. It is hoped teachers and
students, after a few minutes read, will take advantage of these spots for
some deep thinking and maybe discussion.
Lesson Strategies:
Picture Big Books
Time Reading Material -
The Conversation has produced some amazing articles and podcasts on
Kids series that you can get your students to either read or listen to.
There are hundreds of these article and podcasts (684 7 June 2024) to enthral
your students and each day more are added. These articles and podcasts are
produced by academics from around the globe so their information can be
A great idea of quiet reading time.
the Job's Blog
brand new.
Hope you enjoy!
Activities added onto previous Jobs
Activities Document - Whole of Website
Activities [Word docx - 200+pages]
you need to see or search quickly for the activities [Australian
Curriculum General Capabilities, Target Year Group, and Name of
Then look no further than the All Activities Document! Click
here to read this Word Document - it is too
long for printing 200 +pages - but you can scroll
through the pages or search for a relevant activity for your class
under each of the categories.
This document is added to each time we create a new job or add to
older jobs.
and Mathematics!
Mathematics in
Mathematics is in every job - we all know that but do our students?
We will highlight and explore a different job each month and the mathematical
activities involving this job.
The word documents for each job gives you an overview of the activities. You will need to go
to the linked Activities page for the jobs outlined to get the full details and
activities for your students to complete.
May - We have just started to revamp the Games
section of the website to have a list of games, ratings and reviews
that are linked to Jobs.
Current Skills Shortages - Jobs and Skills Australia
Here is a list of the 20 Top Occupations
in demand. Click on the link to the occupation in "On the
Click here
to find the latest and past newsletters.
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Job Cluster:
Operating Theatre Jobs