Lesson Strategies

Critical & Creative Thinking Skills – Activity:

Mind Map
(Source: Mindmapping)



How to Start
Examples within On the Job website





When you study the brain's functionality and memory system, you will realize the extraordinary extent of its capacity and potential. The Mind Map is a tool used to entice, delight, stimulate and challenge you. You will discover some astonishing facts about your brain and its function, and you will take the first major steps on the path to freedom of the mind.

How Mind Maps Harness the Brain's Power

A Mind Map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain - it is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally 'maps out' your ideas.

All Mind Maps have some things in common. They have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center and use lines, symbols, words, color and images according to simple, brain-friendly concepts. Mind Mapping converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain's natural way of doing things.

How to Mind Map
(Source: Southern Cross School of Distance Education)
Larger version

A Mind Map is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying about order and structure. It allows you to visually structure your ideas to help with analysis and recall.

A Mind Map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged around a central concept or subject using a non-linear graphical layout that allows the user to build an intuitive framework around a central concept. A Mind Map can turn a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain's natural way of doing things.

We associate and remember images because they make use of a massive range of your cortical skills, especially imagination. Images can be more evocative than words, more precise and potent in triggering a wide range of associations, thereby enhancing creative thinking and memory. These findings support the argument that the Mind Map is a uniquely appropriate tool. It not only uses images, it is an image.

Example of "Tennis" Mind Map

Tennis Mind Map
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)


Mind Mapping is perfect for:

  • Writing essays

  • Studying for exams

  • Brainstorming and visualizing concepts

  • Presenting and communicating ideas

  • Outlining reports and documents

  • Simplifying a task

Mind Map Laws
(Source: Lori Drake)


The Five Essential Characteristics of Mind Mapping:

  • The main idea, subject or focus is crystallized in a central image

  • The main themes radiate from the central image as 'branches'

  • The branches comprise a key image or key word drawn or printed on its associated line

  • Topics of lesser importance are represented as 'twigs' of the relevant branch

  • The branches form a connected nodal structure


Language Mind Map
(Source: Tony Buzan)


Drawing a mind map is as simple as 1-2-3:

Start in the middle of a blank page, writing or drawing the idea you intend to develop. I would suggest that you use the page in landscape orientation.
Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the centre with a line.
Repeat the same process for the subtopics, generating lower-level subtopics as you see fit, connecting each of those to the corresponding subtopic.

Some more recommendations:

Use colours, drawings and symbols copiously. Be as visual as you can, and your brain will thank you.
Keep the topics labels as short as possible, keeping them to a single word – or, better yet, to only a picture. Especially in your first mind maps, the temptation to write a complete phrase is enormous, but always look for opportunities to shorten it to a single word or figure – your mind map will be much more effective that way.
Vary text size, colour and alignment. Vary the thickness and length of the lines. Provide as many visual cues as you can to emphasize important points. Every little bit helps engaging your brain.

Climate Change Impacts

Climate Change impacts
(Source: Mind Maps Unleashed)

The Presentation

Always remember that a Mind Map that you created is your mind map helping your brain remember. Someone else's mind map might not trigger your memory.


The Perfect Mindmap: 6 Step Checklist

Let Me Change The Way You Write Notes Forever | Correct Mindmapping Technique

How to Mindmap: Going deeper into the 5 Basics


How to Make a Mind Map - The Basics


7 steps to mind maps


The Power of a Mind to Map: Tony Buzan at TEDxSquareMile



For electronic versions of Mindmaps, click here to find a range of mindmapping tools.



Examples of Mindmapping on the On the Job website

#TC means that The Conversation is used as stimulus material.

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Material sourced from
Mindmapping.com [Theory; ]
Litemind [What is mind mapping; ]











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