Lesson Strategies

Consider All Factors Analysis [CAF]

                          (Source: CortThinking)




More Resources
Examples of Consider all factors analysis within On the Job

A Cooperative Learning Strategy
A Cooperative Learning Strategy

Process (Source: Understanding Faith)

This activity is used to summarise a topic as a small and large group.

  1. Name the topic, issue or problem for analysis.
  2. Students individually list all possible factors.
  3. In small groups, students compare and add to their lists.
  4. A whole class list is constructed.
  5. Students select the three or four most important factors that could summarise the topic or issue or resolve the problem.

More resources

Cort Thinking

Cort Thinking
Tools for Thought

Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment UK [PDF 20 pages]

Consider All Factors: Teacher Tube

Teacher Tube

YouTube: Creativity Technique: Consider All Factors - Version 2


Examples of Consider All Factors Analysis within On the Job website


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