Critical & Creative
Thinking Skills – Activity:
6 Action Shoes by Edward de Bono
Elite Plus Magazine)
A Cooperative Learning Strategy
How to Start
Presentation of Action
Examples within On the Job website
The Six Action Shoes were developed by Edward De
Bono as a framework to transform the way we
think to the way we act, identifying different situations and acting
accordingly in order to take control
of them and respond in the most effective manner possible.
There are two questions to ask before embarking on any action – 'What
type of action is required
here?' and 'Which action shoes are appropriate to behave in that style?'
Six action shoes are a practical, useful framework
for making decisions about the appropriate course
of action in any situation.
Each shoe has a distinct colour and shoe type, which are
consistent with the requirements of that action style. This is not a
framework for analysis but for action.
Supporting Ideas
Usually, thinking is only half the equation - the other half is action.
Elite Plus Magazine)
6 Thinking Hats information can be
found here if you want your students to
complete both how shall I think? and How shall I act?
How shall I act?
The shoes metaphor is used to imply action. The
different types and colours of shoes describe differing styles of
action to be taken. Actions should be dictated by the
circumstances. Differing situations can require up to six distinct
and unique types of actions.
The focus on six different action styles allows a two step approach
to actions:
1. Ask, "What type of action is required in this situation?"
2. Mentally put on the appropriate style of action shoes and act
that way.
In any situation, the critical factor is the feel. In other words, the
flavour or outlook of all factors involved. This is usually developed
only through experience and perception. The mind generally sees
only what it is prepared to see, and notices only what it is
expecting to see. Experience tends to prepare the mind to see
events according to familiar patterns. The six shoe action system
enables people to recognise situations and act effectively.
The fact that shoes come in a pair enables mixing of the action
types. A large number of combinations that can be tailor made to
the situation can be put together to increase the flexibility of the
framework. In addition to the colours, each shoe comes in a
distinctive shape - another indicator of the nature of the action
The single most important ingredient that will determine your
success is ACTION.
The skill of taking action is a two-step process (pardon the pun).
Step 1: A desire to achieve a goal or objective and knowing what action
is required to get there.
Step 2: Taking action to achieve it.
Six Action Shoes identifies various styles to help us choose the best
course of action in a variety of situations. It also demonstrates ways
to effectively deal with hindrances that arise as we work towards our
As there are pairs of shoes - you
can decide on two ways to carry out this action - a combination of shoes.
Shoes |
Colour & Style |
Type of Action |
Navy Formal
Shoes or
Navy Court Shoes |
Routines &
Routine behaviour
Dark or Navy Blue is the colour of a wide array of uniforms of armed
services that have drills, routines and formal procedures. Navy shoe
action means ‘doing it by the book’, i.e., following procedures step
by step.
• This shoe action mode means going through an established, formal
routine. It is not mindless repetition, but a conscious, rational
decision that leads to action by the book, for the most effective
• At times, following a procedure is necessary and more effective.
In these situations, a routine often represents the best possible
way to move ahead. |
Orange Gumboots |
Emergency response
• Orange is the colour of warning signs. This is an action to avert
a crisis.
• This shoe action mode is about responding to an emergency warming
or alarm and when immediate responders wear their tough rubber
• The main focus is on reducing a danger to life and limb, which
requires an accurate assessment of a situation and a strategy for
action that is unified, unambiguous and rational. The balance
between any action and the effects of inaction is constantly
monitored, and priorities are considered fully and carefully.
• Pragmatism is a key aspect. Look for what is simple, practical and
effective. Have a plan, but be prepared to change to another if
required. Maintain control of the situation by being flexible enough
to cope with whatever arises. |
Pink Slippers |
Human caring
• Pink is the colour of comfort, caring and understanding. It is
important to consider and respect others’ feelings.
• This shoe action mode removes any mental distinctions about
different people and suggests that every person should be treated
with respect, understanding and compassion as far as possible. It is
the simple belief that care should be freely available to everyone. |
Brown Brogues |
Practical &
Flexible Action
Pragmatism and Practicality
• Brown is the colour of earth and represents what is down-to-earth.
Brown brogues are put on to take practical action.
• This shoe action mode is deliberately low-key. It is a response to
changing requirements of a developing situation. It requires an
assessment of the situation, setting priorities and then action at
your initiative.
• Pragmatism is a key aspect. Look for what is simple, practical and
effective. Have a plan, but be prepared to change to another if
required. Maintain control of the situation by being flexible enough
to cope with whatever arises. |
Grey Sneakers |
Finding &
Investigating Information
Collect information
• Gray is the colour of brainwork, as in “the old gray matter”,
which is used to investigate something in greater detail.
• This shoe action mode is all about collecting information as the
basis to form a theory and then testing it. This colour suggests
neutrality (avoid early conclusions), thinking (using the gray
matter of the brain) and unobtrusive action.
• Overall, this is about absorbing information systematically,
comprehensively and completely. The information gathered will then
become the basis for action in another mode. |
Purple Riding Boots |
Use your authority
• Purple is the colour of pomp, splendor and represents responsible
thinking on what we should do.
• The shoe action mode is a style of authority. In effect, it is
role-playing, with behaviour and judgments set by the role, which
must be consistent. People need to signal when they are acting in
their official capacity to avoid confusion with their personal
belief system when they are not acting as officially.
• Even within an official role, there is always room for initiative,
and there must be respect for socially acceptable principles of
justice and equality. An official role draws its power from the law,
not from acting above the law. |
Students use templates of the action shoes or indeed, real shoes as
learning tools in analysing
situations to discern the type of action or action adopted by
individuals or groups in specific situation.
They might also use the shoes to sequence a series of actions in a given
Download Shoe Template
- Word doc
Winnie the Pooh
"You can't stay in your corner of the
forest waiting for others to come to you.
You have to go to them sometimes."
Wikipedia -
Photocredit; |
In teams of 3 - 4 students, you are to:
- Read the provided stimulus material
- Brainstorm the problem
- Allocate the shoes by deciding on the distinctive
style of action that should be taken
- Sort out the best ideas and carry out an action that
everyone agrees on
- Create a presentation on how you will carry out
this action
- Report back to the class, after a period of time
[allocated by teacher], on how your group's action went
The Presentation
of Action
The presentation is to involve all the members of the
group. You need to explain what you found out and what action you are going
to take as a group.
Report back later about how the action went. Will your
group take further action? Why? Why not?
Students are provided with websites, YouTube and posters about the
topic they have been given by the Teacher.
Examples of 6 Action Shoes on the On the Job website
#TC means that The Conversation is used as stimulus
What do you know about the Koala and what you
need to do to help?
Lesson Strategy:
6 Action Shoes |
Merchant Mariner
How ‘flags of convenience’ have shrunk Australia’s merchant fleet!
Lesson Strategy:
6 Action Shoes |
Material sourced from
A-Z Strategies [6 Action Shoes - p93] PDF [Review
Six Action Shoes; ]
Public Summaries [Six
Action Shoes; ]
Elite Plus Magazine [6
Action Shoes; ]