Critical Thinking Spots
On the Job

2025 - Index

At the beginning of June 2024, we started putting "Critical Thinking Spots" onto our pages. These are mostly articles from The Conversation written by academics who have researched the topic thoroughly.

The Critical Thinking Spots have questions to ponder after reading the article. It is hoped teachers and students, after a few minutes read - 4 - 5 mins, will take advantage of these spots for some deep thinking and maybe discussion.

A great way to focus students at the beginning or end of a lesson & encourage critical thinking.



Past CTS

2024 Index of CTS (24 CTS);




The Conversation Summarise

High School

Summarise the article.
Can you explain what is happening to another pair of students?

The Conversation 21 September 2023

The Conversation


Primary MiddleHigh School

Hypothesise other solutions by brain-storming in a group of 3 - 5 students

The Conversation 22 November 2024


The Conversation


What problems do you see that could happen with this Smartphone app?

Good idea? Why? Why not?


 The Conversation 19 June 2024


The Conversation


What are the stated pros and cons of this article?

The Conversation 15 November 2024



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