Bernie Shakeshaft is the founder and CEO of Back
Track. Based in Armidale, Back Track is a non-profit training and education
organisation like no other. The first words you see on its website are:
"keeping kids alive, out of jail, and chasing their hopes and dreams".
Since its inception in 2006, the BackTrack program has worked with more than
1000 at-risk teens who have been kicked out of the education system, or are
on the path to prison, or generally both.
The program, which has very little government funding, boasts an 87 per cent
success rate of participants gaining either full-time employment or training
and education. It takes in troubled teens on a day-to-day basis, helping
them not only address their educational problems, but also housing,
financial, legal and social issues, as well as anything else in the road of
them reaching their potential. The boys, and now girls,
are put through an individually tailored school curriculum, but are also
taught a variety of trade skills, being put to work on local projects to
teach self-worth, and the value of a hard day's work, and always with the
program's signature tool - a sheepdog - by their side.
Shakeshaft was born to humble
parents, Joe and Denise, in Sydney in 1967. Joe worked for the NSW Child
Welfare Department (a predecessor to the Department of Family and Community
Services). He was transferred to Orange, then Armidale, and eventually back
to Sydney, all the while raising their own five children. The couple are now
retired in Sydney. The couple had always cared for children from orphanages
on weekends and during holidays, one of the first awakenings for Bernie that
life was much tougher for some kids.
After Year 11, Bernie had the opportunity to go
to India with a group of students. While in Kolkata, they visited
Mother Theresa's hospice and he saw her in action, in what turned
out to be a life-changing realisation of just how tough life can be.
Employment & Training
After he left home Bernie found a couple of great mentors in the
bush, cattleman Paul Roots and horseman Jimmy Matthews, who both
taught him life skills and trade skills that kept in good stead into
adulthood. He put them to the test with a stint working properties
in the Northern Territory.
His first child, James, was born at John
Hunter Hospital in 1991, when he was living at Stroud with his
partner Jayne and working at Leyland Brothers World. The couple took
their first job as "house parents" at a farm near Tarago, outside of
Goulburn, run by the De La Salle Brothers, but the farm was
eventually deemed unsustainable.
The young family ended up in the Northern Territory. Bernie became
more qualified, working as a dingo tracker, and learning much about
indigenous culture. They had a second child, Maeve, and moved back
to NSW, with Bernie employed as a youth development officer in
Gunnedah, and then moving to Armidale as a youth worker.
It was in Armidale, through a Youth Links program, that the
beginnings of what became Back Track came together. One of the boys
in the program died in an unrelated motorbike accident, and it
triggered a closeness and focus that - along with the addition of
puppies from a litter by the Shakeshafts' dog - morphed into Back
The humble former council shed that Back
Track was given for "peppercorn rent" is still a part to the
It began with welding classes a couple of days a week, and welding
is still part of the trades training in Back Track. Now, over 40
kids rock up to the shed for training and education every day, and
there's a residential program for boys, too.
At the suggestion of his son, James, they got the boys involved into
training dogs for high jump soon after the program began. Having two
of their dogs as top finishers at the famed Casterton (Victoria)
show jump was a highlight soon after Back Track started, and they
have had considerable success since that time.
Shakeshaft has about 20 dogs at his place, and 30 in the program.
Although he's tough, Shakeshaft is also humble, and remains as
determined as the day he started Back Track. These days he spends
more time walking the corridors of power seeking support from
businesses, foundations and government agencies.
"We have a lot of smart businessmen involved," he says. "Our budget
is $2.4million, less than 5 per cent of that is government-funded.
And we are getting outcomes. They [our supporters] want a better
partnership with government."
Shakeshaft addressed the recent NSW National Party conference about
his program, and, when asked, does not discount the possibility of
entering politics himself.
We are doing this without government help: reducing crime, reducing
suicide ideation. At some stage, I am hoping I am right, with the
success and able to prove it, to force the issues on to the table.
& Opportunities
"We know we can have an immediate
impact on juvenile crime," he says of the Back Track program. "In Gunnedah,
Armidale, Glen Innes there's been a 35 percent cut in juvenile crime in 12
"We are doing this without government help: reducing crime, reducing suicide
ideation. At some stage, I am hoping I am right, with the success and able
to prove it, to force the issues on to the table."
He is the
first to admit there are no quick fixes. But, as he argues, you have to
treat the whole person, the whole problem, which is not how government
programs work. The government system creates "silos" where education,
training and social health all have their own approach, he says.
"We can't afford to change. Because it absolutely works," he says of the
Back Track program. "It is very difficult to fit us into the silo model. We
take the approach is it long term, with multiple funding sources. With
government [funding], you've got 26 weeks, if you haven't solved the
problem, you kick them out and start again."
To say he wears his passion on his sleeve is an understatement. "We are
seriously trying to save lives," he says.
"When we began the kids were 16-17 years old. Now, they are 10-11 years
old," he says. "The problems are more complex. The problems are ridiculous."
The government solutions are not reaching children, he says: "Einstein said
if you keep doing the same thing, you are going to get the same result.
That's what we are doing as a society.
"I heard a saying: children are the most honest barometer of how we are
going as a society. Look at the Dusseldorf Report [The Cost of Youth
Homelessness in Australia, 2016], one in five kids don't go to school, don't
have training . . . one in five nationally, that hits alarm bells."
The tragedy of "ice" use in regional Australia does not surprise Shakeshaft.
Working on the coalface with troubled youths for over a decade gave him and
the Back Track team plenty of insight.
"We saw it
coming," he says. "All the money poured into mental health, where does it
get to where a kid needs ice? What's going on if they need that to take the
pain away?".
Back Track has spread its programs into communities such as Dubbo, Broken
Hill, Lake Cargelligo and Grafton. As he found with his start-up in
Armidale, you need a committed "driver" on the ground, and you need somebody
at the top end of town (a mayor, or police commander or education director)
to back the program.
"Our mission statement is to help as many kids as we can," Shakeshaft says.
He says he believes it would work in metropolitan areas, too.
While Shakeshaft's life experiences provided him the tools and confidence to
create the Back Track model, he also had the support of his family - his
parents - from day one.
"I came from a very loving environment," he says. "If that family unit
breaks down - 80 per cent of these kids come from single parent families -
well, it's back to 'a village to raise a child'. We need to have sensitive,
strong adult role models to re-create that family environment."
Shakeshaft says he isn't "thick-skinned" enough to be in politics. The fact
is, politicians aren't thick-skinned enough to handle the truth Shakeshaft
delivers about the failures of government and politicians to serve youth in
"Fundamentally in Australia, we are scared of change," he says. "If we keep
doing what we are doing, that's not going to work out for anybody."
NSW Youth
Service of the Year in 2015;
Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Award in 2017;
the Spera
Australian Rural Education Award and Youth Action Awards
A group of troubled boys are on a perilous course
towards jail until they meet up with the rough talking,
free-wheeling jackaroo, Bernie Shakeshaft, and hit the road with his
legendary dog jumping team.
This observational documentary, filmed over two years, follows Zach,
Tyson, and Rusty in a youth program that Bernie runs from a shed on
the outskirts of Armidale, a rural Australian town in New South
Wales. On the road, the boys find their voice, make great
friendships and the dogs become national champions. But as the boys
sleep under the stars at night the trauma is never too far away.
With their survival and futures at stake they must constantly step
up, push themselves and support each other. Some days can be hard.
This inspiring coming of age story reveals the challenges and
triumphs these boys face as they try to find their place in the
world, and the dogs that help tame their wild ways.
A life-affirming documentary, Backtrack Boys explores Bernie's
philosophy in action and through the journey of the kids in his
care. It reveals how he helps them to navigate their relationships,
deal with personal trauma, take responsibility for their own
decisions and gain practical job skills so they can eventually
create a sustainable future for themselves.
A group of boys saw this film and sent in to Australian of the Year
Awards their nomination of Bernie Shakeshaft as Local Hero. Bernie
won this award in 2020.
This documentary is supported by ATOM - Australian Teachers
of Media
Resources available
Curriculum General Capability:Critical and creative thinking
Curriculum General Capability:Literacy Australian
Curriculum General Capability:Personal and social capability Cooperative
Learning Activity
1. As a group of 3 - 4 students, after watching at
least one video [above] listen to the following story of Bernie
Shakeshaft from
Conversations with Richard Fidler from 9 July 2019
and write down dot points that are new to you and discuss as a group.
2. What inspired Bernie? Why? Give detailed reasons.
3. Has there been a person or people in your life that
have inspired you? How?
4. Reflect as a group those qualities of the people
who have inspired you.
5. What are you now going to do to be the person who
inspires others? List down your responses.