Wilkinson - PUBLIC

Ken Wilkinson is an expert at
juggling commitments. The 32-year old manages a demanding job with the
Queensland Government's
Housing and Homelessness Service, is raising a young family, serves in
the Navy Reserves, volunteers for Navy Cadets, and is completing an MBA at
the Australian
Catholic University.
A former Naval Navigator, Ken is now responsible for administering an annual
budget worth over $100m for community organisations to provide
accommodation and support services for homeless people and those at risk of
becoming homeless.
"I'm quite stretched, but that's how
I like it," he said. "I've had a diverse career, from defence to housing,
but I always get personal satisfaction from
the jobs I take on."
With a Bachelor of Science under his belt from his Navy days, Ken felt he
needed to formalise his management qualifications, and enrolled in the
intensive-mode MBA at the Australian Catholic University's (ACU) Brisbane
"The ACU MBA is taught in intensive delivery mode, on the weekends, which is
perfect for me and my need to juggle all my other commitments."
"With an ethical point of view it's also perfectly focused for the type of
work I do."
As Program Support Manager, Ken handles budget and daily operations to keep
the programs ticking over. He and his team are responsible for funding
over 240 non-government service providers and allocating every dollar of the
budget to where it is most needed.
"I enjoy my job, knowing that we make a difference to people's lives," Ken
said. "I've always had an interest in social justice, and I really believe
homelessness is critical to getting people socially included."
"One project I'm currently working on is the implementation of the National
Partnership Agreement on Homelessness, which will see the
Australian and Queensland governments providing $284.6 million over five
years to reduce homelessness in Queensland."
Ken said that while completing an MBA alongside all his other commitments
was demanding, he was already appreciating the benefits that formal training
in management brings.
"The lecturers have been outstanding and the other students bring a great
cross section of experience," he said. "The work load requires good time
management, but it's another worthwhile challenge."
Ken entered the workforce at 17 when he joined the Navy as a Seamen Officer.
He progressed to be a Navigator until he decided it was time to move on.

Australian Navy
"I'd been in the Navy for nine years and my wife and I were thinking about
settling down and having children," he said. "I'd never even had a shore
based job up until then."
After two years working in the UK, Ken and his wife returned to Australia,
expecting their first child.
He began working with the Queensland Government and kept up his Navy ties by
joing the Reserves and volunteering with the

Australian Naval Reserve
With an interest in social justice and passion for
community, Ken continues to be an active
Navy Reservist and volunteers
with the Cadets.
"Cadets range from 12 to 20 years old, and it really is a fantastic youth
development scheme. It gets them out and active in the community and
promotes good citizenship," he said.

Navy Cadets
"I get the chance to pass on my
experience directly to these kids. We teach them to tie knots, to sail, and
get involved in community events. Activities they wouldn't usually have the
opportunity to get involved in." (Source:
ACU Marketing)

Justice - what can you do as a "Public Servant" at your school?
Curriculum General Capability:
Critical and creative thinking
Curriculum General Capability:
Personal and social capability
1. Ken Wilkinson
values Social Justice as the force behind his position in the Public
Service. What is "Social
Justice"? Look at the following website to get the definition...

2. Are there
any inequalities or a way to enhance the good things that are happening at
your school? What things?
Write up a list and discuss with a
partner. Are your lists the same?
Plan how you to "right" any inequalities or enhance some of the good things.
Write them down and date what you have done and what further things you
intend to do by a certain date.
4. Get the whole class to elect an
action and get on and change things!