Speech Language Pathologist

Community and Health



Speech-Language Pathology Assistant


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Helping or advisingAnalytic or ScientificSkill Level 5

Speech pathologists diagnose, treat and provide management services to people of all ages with communication disorders, including speech, language, voice, fluency and literacy difficulties, or people Future Growth Very Strong who have physical problems with eating or swallowing.

These programs could be education programs for parents, play-based activities for children or muscle retraining exercises to improve swallowing, eating or drinking skills. Speech pathologists may work with young children, older children or adults who have speech difficulties because of an injury, illness, congenital condition or a stroke.

ANZSCO description: 252712 : Assesses and treats people with communication disorders, such as speech, language, voice, fluency and literacy difficulties, and people who have physical problems with eating or swallowing. Registration or licensing is required.

Alternative names: Speech Pathologist; Speech & Language Pathologist; Speech Language Therapist (NZ), Speech Therapist

Specialisations: Intellectual and/or physical disability, Paediatrics, Voice Therapy

Knowledge, skills and attributes

A Speech pathologist needs:

  • a good background in English, Mathematics and Science

  • excellent communication, listening and interpersonal skills

  • an ability to deal with complex and unusual situations

  • to be able to communicate with a variety of different people and enjoy working with people

  • to be able to inspire confidence and cooperation

  • to be able to work with a variety of other health professionals as part of a team

Duties and Tasks

Speech pathologists may perform the following tasks:Baby

  • establish the exact nature and severity of each client's communication problems, which may require the use of special equipment and tests

  • plan and carry out treatment and management, taking into account age, past and present social environment, and physical and intellectual abilities

  • treat children who are unable to communicate effectively due to conditions such as cleft palate, hearing loss, delayed speech or language development, cerebral palsy or emotional disturbances

  • treat adults whose language, speech or voice has been affected by surgery, disease or disorders of the nervous system, brain damage or hearing loss

  • help children and adults overcome stuttering

  • assess and treat children and adults who have difficulty chewing and swallowing

  • act as a consultant to education, medical, dental and other health professionals

  • provide ongoing counselling, advice and information to clients and families as a part of overall treatment.

Did You Know?

When a person comes to hospital after having a stroke, they are put on "Nil by Mouth" until a Speech Pathologist has seen them and analysed their swallowing capacity!
NB. "Nil by Mouth" means that the patient is not allowed any water or food.

Simple Maths Activity

Hold your thrumb and index finger to your throat. Count the number of times you swallow saliva per minute.
Put your number on the whiteboard.
Once all the class has put their number on the whiteboard, put them into a graph. Y axis = number of swallowings; X axis = number of students

What is the Mean? Median? Mode? Range? Are there any "outriders"

What was your class' swallowing frequency?

"A study of 5 year olds swallowing resulted in a mean swallowing frequency was 1.7+ or -
0.5 swallows/min. "
(Source: Oatext)
Any comparison to your class' frequency?

Want to know more about choking on saliva? Go to Medical News Today

Working conditions

A Speech pathologist's normal workday would be 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. However, in some cases evening or weekend work may also be required. Most Speech pathologists work in an office in the public sector This could be in a school, hospital, nursing home or community centre. Some Speech pathologists go into private practice.

Speech pathologists work closely with other health professionals as part of a team.

Cleft lip
Child with Cleft Lip

Tools and technologies

Speech pathologists may be involved with technologies associated with the acoustic analysis of voice and speech, and the control of movement for swallowing and speech. They may also use new technologies for speech recognition or electronic communication.

Education and training/entrance requirements

To become a speech pathologist you need to study speech pathology at university.

Graduates are eligible for membership with Speech Pathology Australia. To work with children in Australia, you must obtain a Working with Children Check.

Did You Know?

What is Speech Pathology

A Speech Pathologist is qualified to assess and provide treatment to people with communication difficulties. A Speech Pathologist is called a Speech-Language Pathologist in America and a Speech and Language Therapist in the UK.

One in seven Australians has some form of communication disability. This means that one in seven people has a problem understanding other people or being understood by people.

Communication disorders include difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding, fluency, reading and writing.

According to Speech Pathology Australia:

•Children with Autism, Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy often begin their life with a communication impairment.


•20% of four year old children have difficulty understanding or using language.

•14% of 15 year olds only have basic literacy skills.

•Children with language impairments are six times more likely to have a reading problem than children without.

•46% of young Australian offenders (eg in juvenile detention centres) have a language impairment.

Isolated boy

•There is a high correlation between communication difficulties and poor mental health.

•Three in every 1000 newborns have hearing loss, which without intervention can affect their speech, language and literacy.

People with communication disorders may feel frustrated, angry or embarrassed as they try to communicate with people.

Research shows that speech and language disorders in childhood can lead to difficulties with reading and spelling, difficulties with school curriculum, social challenges and low self-esteem.

 Further long term outcomes include risk to mental health, limited employment options and social isolation.
(Source: Liberty Speech Pathology) Not secure 15


Speech Language Pathology Assistant
Community and Health


Helping or advisingSkill Level 5Skill Level 6

Assist Speech-Language Pathologists in the assessment and treatment of speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders. Implement speech and language programs or activities as planned and directed by speech-language pathologists. Monitor the use of alternative communication devices and systems. Speech Pathology Assistants help Speech Pathologists diagnose and help treat those with hearing defects as well as communication related Future Growth Very Strong problems.

Speech-language pathologist assistants assist the speech-language pathologist with speech-language and hearing screenings. They may follow documented treatment plans or protocols developed by the supervising speech-language pathologist, assist with informal documentation, and perform checks/maintenance of equipment. They may also support the supervising speech-language pathologist in research projects, in-service training, and public relations programs.


Alternative names: Speech Pathology Aide

 Knowledge, skills and attributes      

To be a successful Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant you should…

  • enjoy working with people of all ages and backgrounds

  • be flexible, patient, and compassionate

  • follow directions well


Speech Pathologist on floor with patient
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
(Source: University of Arizona)

Duties and Tasks

  • Assist speech-language pathologists in the conduct of client screenings or assessments of language, voice, fluency, articulation, or hearing.
  • Implement treatment plans or protocols as directed by speech-language pathologists.
  • Assist speech-language pathologists in the remediation or development of speech and language skills.
  • Collect and compile data to document clients' performance or assess program quality.
  • Document clients' progress toward meeting established treatment objectives.
  • Test or maintain equipment to ensure correct performance.
  • Assist speech-language pathologists in the conduct of speech-language research projects.
  • Conduct in-service training sessions, or family and community education programs.
  • Perform support duties such as preparing materials, keeping records, maintaining supplies, and scheduling activities.
  • Prepare charts, graphs, or other visual displays to communicate clients' performance information.
  • Select or prepare speech-language instructional materials.
  • Determines the degree of hearing loss or hearing defect via testing
  • Analyses results of hearing tests
  • Provides counselling and further information for those with hearing and speech issues
  • Recommends technological aids to improve speech and hearing
  • Conducts rehabilitation programs and remedial exercises
  • Provides guidance and treatment to clients who are selected by the supervising SLP as appropriate for this service delivery model.
  • Documents client performance by tallying data for the SLP to use; prepared charts, records, and graphs and report this information to the supervising SLP.
  • Programmes and provides instruction in the use of augmentative and alternative communication devices.

Working conditions

Most speech-language pathologist assistants work in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, or speech and hearing centers. They may work 40 hours per week, and some may work part time.

Other workplace settings:

Nursing Homes
Private Practice
Public Health Departments

Education and training/entrance requirements

The majority of Speech Pathology Assistants have a Bachelor Degree qualification or are at a Post Graduate/ Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate level.


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