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Chinese Medicine Practitioners treat imbalances of energy flows through the body by assessing the whole person and using techniques and methods such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, massage, diet, exercise and breathing therapy. A traditional Chinese medicine practitioner practices a form of traditional complementary medicine (CM). They are trained to diagnose and treat a range of conditions. Treatments may include acupuncture, herbal medicine, remedial massage, exercise and breathing therapy, and diet and lifestyle advice. Chinese medicine practitioners must be registered under the national registration and accreditation scheme with the AHPRA Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. Oriental medicine practitioners use forms of acupuncture and treatment through the Chinese concept of “qi,” which means energy. Oriental medicine treats a variety of ailments including headaches, back pain, arthritis, or other illnesses by identifying patterns of imbalance within a body’s energy levels and working to readjust fluids or tissues in order to keep the body in balance and relieve pain. Oriental medicine techniques include acupuncture, cupping, acupressure, and herbal supplements that are applied to specific body parts or tissues. Practitioners must be able to evaluate a patient’s symptoms and identify what organs or tissues are causing the ailment, and come up with a customized plan that incorporates oriental herbs and practices into a treatment. ANZSCO ID: 252214 Alternative names: Oriental Medicine Practitioner, Chinese Medical Practitioner, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, TCM, Specialisations:
Knowledge, skills and attributes
Duties and Tasks
Working conditions
Most oriental medicine practitioners work in a hospital or private clinic.
Most procedures involve the use of calming relaxation techniques, so it is
important for a practitioner to make sure the room and environment is
relaxing for the patient. Some rooms and procedures may involve candlelight
or incense, so it is the practitioner’s job to make sure the environment and
atmosphere is just right for the patient.
Tools and technologies Oriental medicine techniques include acupuncture, cupping, acupressure, and herbal supplements that are applied to specific body parts or tissues. Acupuncture treatments involve the use of needles being placed in joints and tissues. Cupping involves using cups as a suction equipment to help release toxins from within the body. Acupressure is a form of massage that applies pressure on various points in order to relieve pain in other body parts. Herbal supplements are used to treat ailments from the inside and flush toxins out that may be the cause.
To get into these courses you usually need to gain your HSC/ACT Year 12. Prerequisite subjects, or assumed knowledge, in one or more of English, biology, chemistry, and earth and environmental science are normally required. A number of institutions in Australia offer degrees in health science with a major in Chinese medicine. Institutions have different prerequisites and some have flexible entry requirements or offer external study. Before undertaking clinical placements required by courses, students will need to obtain a National Police Certificate, a Provide First Aid Certificate, immunisations and a Working with Children Check (NSW) or a Working with Vulnerable People Check (ACT). Employment Opportunities Most Chinese medicine practitioners work in private practice, but some join other healthcare professionals in multidisciplinary centres. Some may also work in research or operate as consultants. employment opportunities depend on the level of community awareness and acceptance of alternative healthcare practices.
Most oriental medicine practitioners start off working
for a hospital or massage therapy clinic. Over time, many practitioners move
on to become self-employed, performing Chinese medicine out of their home or
own personal clinic. Many also become trained in massage therapy to provide
those services to patients as well. There are many business opportunities in
oriental medicine between medical advancements and the demand from patients
who want to incorporate therapy practices into their life.
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