Transport and Travel - FLIGHT ATTENDANT
The History of Australian Air Hostess' (Flight Attendants): A Gender and Cultural Study Secondary
Curriculum General Capability:
Critical and creative thinking Cooperative Learning Activity
1. Form groups of three. Split up the following articles and read the following articles and listen to the audiotape.
2. What information surprised you
in these articles? Why? Why not? Discuss with a partner. Be ready to share with the rest of the class. 4. What gender issues came up in this History? Are they still present today?
"What is it like being an Airport Service Officer for a half an hour?" Primary Middle Secondary Australian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability Cooperative Learning Activity
1. In groups of 4 - 5 students decide what activity your group is going to do: a. putting the seats back after a school assembly b. sweeping the floor after a school assembly c. sorting out the "lost" clothing bin and categorising into jumpers, shirts, ties, backpacksd. helping in the canteen - serving and then washing up e. sitting in the Front Office and being the "gopher" for lunchtime or one session f. with permission, reading out the announcements for the day g. if there is a wheelchair at the school, borrow it, with permission, for the half hour. One student is to be in the wheelchair and one pushing the wheelchair. Holding a camera, the student in the wheelchair is taken around an obstacle path at the school. Record time taken, the number of expressions from student in seat of "careful", "not so fast" etc., the changes in the normal route to get to class and the camera recording for each Airport Services Officer.
2. Reflection.
"What did it feel like helping out?"
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