Fun Activities

On The Job

Retail and Hospitality - SIGN WRITER  




The Signmaker's Assistant  by Tedd Arnold: A Community of Inquiry

PrimaryPrimary  MiddleMiddle High SchoolSecondary

Ethical Understanding Australian Curriculum General Capability: Ethical Understanding

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking


Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity


To look at the process of a Community of Inquiry, click here.

1. Get the students to form a circle with their chairs or directly on the floor. Everyone is to be in the circle including the Teacher.

2. Using stimulus material
- the Signmaker's Assistant, listen to the story.

You might use the following questions to help with the "one right answer" questions:

About the story:

  • Who are the main characters?
  • How would you describe their personalities?
  • What signs did Norman make?
  • Why did he make the signs?
  • What were the consequences of these changes?

3. Set up a Question Quadrant on the floor or on a whiteboard:

Question Quadrant

4. If the class gets "stuck", here are some questions you might like to ask:

The big questions from the story:

  • What are the themes of the book?
  • Do you think Norman would have made these signs if the Signmaker was in the shop?
  • What is responsibility?
  • Do all signs need to be obeyed at all times?
  • Do you really think the Teacher & Principal would obey "No school today" sign? Why? Why not?
  • Should some signs be reconsidered? Which ones? Why? Why not?
  • Why did the community blame the Signmaker? Is blame always just?
  • What happened when Norman said "Sorry"?
  • Does this always happen when you say "Sorry"?
  • Do we always need rules to live by? Why? Why not?
  • Are rules always just?
  • "What are the characteristics of a fable? Is this story a fable?" Why? Why not?
  • What else would you suggest as a question to discuss?

5. For the rest of the process, look at the Community of Inquiry.





1. In pairs, listen to the following story together: This material you might have studied in Year 2 but now you are to look at it through Philosopher's eyes!

View the book being read.
The Signmaker's Assistant by Tedd Arnold


Community of Inquiry

After listening to the story, in groups of two:

  • write a question or questions about the stimulus material from each of the four question quadrants

    Question Quadrant

  • share your thinking questions with the class by writing up on a whiteboard
  • as a group, select the most common question to discuss.
  • in a circle, conduct a discussion on this common question
  • hold to the class discussion rules of:
    • one person speaks at a time
    • listen carefully to the speaker: listen for understanding; listen charitably
    • the speaker selects the next speaker
    • speakers are respectful and build on the previous speaker's point of view or questions that view logically
    • be prepared to think and take time to think
  • keep a record of the other student questions to come back to them if needed


3. Discussion

Discuss as a class: select the one question that was the most common to discuss.


Optional Extra: PrimaryPrimary  MiddleMiddle

Write a new story about Norman and graffiti and illustrate it. Will it be a fable?


Optional Extra: High SchoolSecondary

Compare & Contrast

Compare and Contrast the painting by Antoine Charles Horace Vernet (sometimes called Carle Vernet): "A Signwriter and his assistant" (below) with the story/imagery by Tedd Arnold (above). List the similarities between the two and also the differences.

Would the story be very different too? Why? Why not?


A Signwriter and his assistant
(Source: Nice Art Gallery)



Designing Your Home Town Name Sticker for a Car

  PrimaryPrimary  MiddleMiddle High SchoolSecondary

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking


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