Fun Activities

On The Job

Retail and Hospitality - Auctioneer


Auctioning items with Monopoly money (created by Reuban West, Education Student ACU)


NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability



1. Your task is to assemble a group of items which have different values and practical uses. These can include:

a. A video game (usually over $50 if brand new)

b. A pen and pencil set (price varies in terms of brand and where to buy sets)

c. A book (any genre or use)

2. You will ”auction” these items off to a group of ”buyers” using Monopoly money. Like an
Auctioneer, you have to sell these items based on what use they would bring each person within the group.

This task will test your abilities to control a group, using a persuasive and fast paced tone, and selling items. These are all attributes auctioneers must have in order to be successful in their  

3. Each member of the group of auctioneers will be given a different limited number of each bill in the monopoly set. Buyers in a real auction will have a limit to their money and it is only fair that your customers do as well. The money limits are:

  • Customer Number 1:
    1 x $500 bill, 1 $50 bill, 2 $20 bills, 2 $10 bills, 3 $5 bills and 1 $1 bill
  • Customer Number 2:
    1 $500 bill, 1 $100 bill, 2 $20 bills, 1 $10 bills and 2 $1 bills
  • Customer Number 3:
    1 $100 bill, 1 $50 bill, 2 $20 bill, 2 $10 bills, 2 $5 bills and 2 $1 bills

4. Keep a list of how much value you gave to the items sold and how much ”money” you made after auctioning them off.




"World Livestock Auctioneer Championships" - Practising Public Speaking

 MiddleMiddle High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability



1. This career is about Public Speaking and the skills involved. The following video clip is from BTN 11 June 2013. Look at how this competition is set up. As a class, you are going to replicate this situation but instead of auctioning houses, you are to auction live cattle.


2. The following video clips come from the finals of the 2015 & 2016 ALPA Young Auctioneers Competition. The competition takes place every year with 5 judges scoring each individual auctioneer based on clarity of chant and voice quality, bid catching ability, conduct of the sale,
and if the judge would hire this auctioneer.


YouTube: 2015 ALPA Young Auctioneers Highlights video


YouTube: 2016 ALPA Young Auctioneers Highlights video


3. In groups of four, you are to come up with a description of a cow, bull or calf that is ready for sale. On the "Sale Card" include as much information as possible. Use the following sites to help with this description.

4. Swap cards with another group! Each of you will be given 5 minutes to learn about your animal for sale.

5. Start the auction! Make sure that each contestant is scored on:

  • the clarity of the chant
  • voice quality
  • bid catching ability
  • conduct of the sale
  • confidence of delivery

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