Fun Activities

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Mock Trial: Revisiting The Lindy & Michael Chamberlain ('Dingo') Trial, 1982

High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Critical & Creative ThinkingAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical & Creative Thinking 

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity



1. What do you know about the Lindy & Michael Chamberlain case? Discuss as a class and ask members of your families what they know about this case.

2. You are going to conduct a mock trial about this historic case. In teams of 10 students, read up the Sydney University Mock Trial Manual for the rules governing a mock trial. (PDF - unavailable on Internet in 2019; but here is a copy from the Internet Archive) Reading

Mock Trial Manual

3. Select who will role play the main characters in the Trial of Lindy & Michael Chamberlain including witnesses, the forensic scientist, the judge, barristers, and jury.

3. Read over the trial material and prepare your case. This normally takes 2 weeks to prepare. You are to role play rather than conduct a scripted trial, however, you can research beyond the resources provided here [but you need to declare to the other side your research].

4. Conduct a Mock Trial.


Famous Trials: The Lindy & Michael Chamberlain ("Dingo") Trial 1982

Lindy & Michael Chamberlain Trial

The Guardian: Dingo baby ruling ends 32 years of torment for Lindy Chamberlain

The Guardian
Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton: Legal Process and Findings

Legal Process and Findings
80 Days that changed our lives: The Disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain

80 Days



Policing and Informants in Victoria - What are the ramifications?

High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Critical & Creative ThinkingAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical & Creative Thinking 

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

Ethical Understanding Australian Curriculum General Capability: Ethical Understanding


Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity



1. Form into groups of 4 - 5 students.

Did you know that on the 3 December 2018, news broke that ..... a barrister acted as a police informant [for the prosecution] while working as a barrister for the defense.

"Victoria is finally getting a royal commission into policing following yesterday’s decisions of the High Court and earlier, the Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal, to release court rulings that outline an extraordinary episode involving the use of a police informant.

The informant - referred to in court documents only as EF - is a barrister who acted for the defence in several high profile cases that resulted in convictions. It turns out she was also a police informer against the very same people she was representing before the courts. This is a shocking breach of the barrister’s duty as an officer of the court to uphold legal professional privilege - that is, the confidentiality of what passes between barrister and client
(Source: The Conversation 4 December 2018)

The Conversation

2. Read the above article from The Conversation and list down the concerns of the author.

3. Hold a Community of Inquiry [CoI] using this article as your stimulus source.

4. After holding a CoI, debate the question as a class: What are the ramifications?



Websites, Games & Apps


Dictionary Legal Guide Apps

High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Dictionary App Logo


Price: FREE


Dictionary Apps

Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary

High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Australian Dictionary


Price: $17.99
Developer: LexisNexis

Australian Dictionary
Enquiring Minds - Bridges to Higher Education Project

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle 

ICT Capability Australian Curriculum General Capability: ICT Capability

Enquiring Minds
Enquiring Minds

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