Fun Activities

On The Job

Houses & Buildings - HANDYPERSON


When is a Hammer, a Hammer?

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

ICTAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Information and Communication Technology Capability
Australian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

Australian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

1. Read through Wikipedia about the Hammer


2. Look at the following video and incorporate it into your presentation

YouTube: How to Use a Hammer I  Woodworking



3. Using Powtoon, create a presentation about the Hammer, the different types, the physics of the hammer and the different parts.



Mould and Damp: How it effects your health

MiddleMiddle High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Australian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity


1. In groups of 4 - 5 students, read the following articles Reading

The Conversation 2 November 2015

The Conversation
The Conversation 19 February 2014

The Conversation


List the causes of mould in a household and the different types of mould.



2. Discuss as a group, how to get rid of mould.

  • What product looks like the mould has disappeared but it hasn't?

  • What is a natural Australian product that gets rid of mould

  • What physical changes need to be made to a household to reduce the amount of damp?

3. Work out the quantity of the different products that are advertised to kill mould (whether they do or not) for a bathroom from the following:

Bathroom sizes

Figure B1 with only 550mm between the vanity and bath would be extremely tight. B2 with an increased room width to 2100mm allows for an 850mm space plus the shower is set back further from the door jamb allowing for a full width architrave to be installed.
B3 with the vanity rotated opens up the floor space from the doorway.

(Source: Ausdesigns)

What product is the most economical?


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