Fun Activities

On The Job



MASTER LEGO and Tree Building

 PrimaryPrimary  MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

1. You have probably seen on TV Master Lego. See the winning 2021 build from David and Gus

Don't worry you won't need to build such a marvellous flight of fancy!


2. In this construction, you are to build a tree with a partner. You need to project manage this construction by looking at the steps below and adjusting them or adding [or subtracting] to them.

To give you a better idea of how to create a tree with Lego [but don't copy] look at the following video

How to Build A Large LEGO Tree Tutorial


3. In pairs, work out what type of tree you wish to build. Draw this tree. Which tree will you "go" with? Why? Why not?

4. Work out the parts of Lego, and number, you will be using to make this tree. List them down in a table.

5. Work out the points that will be "tricky" to build with Lego blocks. Write these down. Think of ways to overcome these tricky points. Discuss together.

6. Create a list of colour bricks that you will use to create your tree and where you think they should be placed and to what effect. Put them in your table.

7. Estimate the size and height of your tree - make it doable in 2 hours.

8. Create your tree and time it.

9. Once all the class' trees are created, look them over. Which tree did you "judge" the best? Why?



Bendable concrete? Smart concrete? Ethics and Construction? What do you know!

 High SchoolSecondary

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Australian Curriculum Cross Curriculum Priorities: Sustainability Priority

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity



1. In the light of the various tragedies in the construction and building industry across the globe, you are going to critically research the information provided and create a retrieval chart.


In groups of 3 - 5 students, you are to create a Retrieval Chart. But this time, you are going to add a further column "Questions arising" from the chart provided in Retrieval Chart

2. The stimulus material you are to use are the following three articles from The Conversation. Select ONE to read and use the Expert Jigsaw Strategy to tell the others in your group about your article. Add to the group's Retrieval Chart.

The Conversation 15 February 2021 Read

The Conversation


The Conversation 13 November 2020 Read

The Conversation

The Conversation 16 July 2021 Read

The Conversation

3. Reflection

Swap articles - review what the previous student has added to the Retrieval Chart - and add any important points after discussing with the original reviewer. Will you still add your new points? Why? Why not?

4. As a class, collate all the questions from the Retrieval Chart. Split these questions into the Question Quadrant. Look at the Inquiry or Philosophical Questions. These are called Higher Order Thinking Questions.

Question Quadrant




Select ONE question from the Inquiry Questions that the class would like to discuss and discuss.


Tall Tower Challenge (created by Try

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity

Lesson focuses on the growth of tall buildings and their structures. Students work in teams to develop the tallest tower they can build with limited materials that can support the weight of a golf ball for two minutes.

Tall Tower Lesson Plan Overview

Local Copy: Lesson Plan

Local Copy: Student Handouts




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