Fun Activities

On The Job

Community and Health - VETERINARY SURGEON


Pampered Pets Pamphlet


LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

1. If you have a pet, design a pamphlet describing how to take care of such an animal. Include such things as feeding, exercise, and grooming requirements.

2. If you don't have a pet choose your favourite animal and investigate what you would need to do to take care of it and then, design a pamphlet describing how to take care of it.


Pet Turtles
(Source: YouTube)




Medicine Measurement

PrimaryPrimary icon_m.gif (211 bytes)Middle

NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

1. You are volunteering at a local vet when a lady brings in her dog - a Scottish Terrier. This dog weighs in at 8 kg.

Scottish Terrier
(Source: Dog Breed Info)

After inspecting the dog the vet decides she needs medicine. You are asked to help measure out the medication for the dog, the bottle reads ‘0.75mL per kg of animal per week’. How much medicine will you need to give the dog initially?

2. The lady explains that she has another dog at home - a small Saint Bernard, who the vet knows well. This dog also needs this medicine. Look up the following site Not secure 15 to find the average weight of a Saint Bernard:

Dog weight chart

3. Calculate the amount of medicine needed by the lady each week.

4. As well as helping the vet when she needs your assistance, you are also required to fill out the stock list at the end of the week so new products can be ordered. You noticed that this week the vet has used 3 whole bottles of the same medicine. If each bottle is 135 mL total, how many serves (each serve being the amount given per kg) were used of the medicine this week?



Technology and Vets

icon_m.gif (211 bytes)Middle High SchoolSecondary

NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

ICT Capability Australian Curriculum General Capability: ICT Capability



1. Watch a snippet from Bondi vet or a whole session!

Bondi Vet


Bondi Vet’s Most Unorthodox Treatments! 🤯 | Bondi Vet Compilations | Bondi Vet


2. Write down the technologies, techniques and medications you have seen here.

3. Discuss with a partner the science you know already. Is there anything you did not know about but was shown on the show?

4. Using sites provided, research one piece of technology used by modern vets, what it does, and how dosage or treatment differs for different species and different sized animals; the more detailed the better. If possible, include examples of specific dosages or methods of use on a specific animal.


ABC News: Veterinary Medicine

Carrington College

Carrington College

Articles from The Conversation

The Conversation

4. Create a 5 minute presentation using Jimdo, Prezi or PowerPoint.

Jimdo Prezi

 5. Show this presentation to the class.



Why the low hygiene standards between vets and pets?

High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

ICT Capability Australian Curriculum General Capability: ICT Capability


1. Read the following article from The Conversation, 2nd July 2013 Reading

The Conversation

2. Look at the following video "Suit Up!" from the Australian Veterinarian Association


3. Create a Prezi on this article and the video - Suit Up! Make sure that you incorporate the video and the key issues, ideas and learnings you have learnt from the article. For example, List the equipment for the Vet's Kit; describe a High Risk Situation, and explain some of the diseases spoken about in both the video and article.




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