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What is it like to have....dyscalculia!

 High SchoolSecondary

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity


1. In groups of 4 - 5 students, listen and view the following video about a program in the UK called "Numbers Count". Look at the games played and list them with interesting names! Video

Numbers Count


2. Read the following article from The Conversation 24 January 2019 Reading

the Conversation

3. Write up 5 statements about dyscalculia.

4. The article states that playing number games is very helpful for students with dyscalculia.

As a group, design a new number game that is engaging and interesting and based on a current movie that students in primary school would have seen.

5. Share your game with another group in the class. Work out any problems and re-do your game.


Which games to play?

MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

Ethical Understanding Australian Curriculum General Capability: Ethical Understanding

ICT Capability Australian Curriculum General Capability: ICT Capability

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Australian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity



1. In groups of 4 - 5 students, read the following article from The Conversation 18 January 2019 Reading

The Conversation

2. List the examples provided where people with disabilities would find gaming difficult and why.

3. Pool all the games you play and analyse whether people with the following disabilities would be able to enjoy this game by completing the following table:

Disability Game Name Enjoy or Not - Reasons
Complete blindness    
Partial blindness    
Hearing loss    
Movement of hands    
Movement of fingers    
Movement of body    
Behavioural disability    


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