Fun Activities

On The Job

Community and Health - Psychiatrist


Healthy Minds

 PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

NumeracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy

Ethical Understanding Australian Curriculum General Capability: Ethical Understanding


1. In an episode of BTN in 2015, Kirrilie, a Child Psychologist (yes this is different to a Psychiatrist!) had some good strategies for students to do when they were:

  • Worried
  • Mad
  • Sad


2. Look at the Healthy Minds episode and with a partner discuss the strategies that Kirrilie and the students involved recommend. Are they strategies that you use? What other strategies do you use to keep a healthy mind?

3. In 2015, BTN ran a Happiness Survey. In 2020, in conjunction with the University of Melbourne, BTN ran another Happiness survey.


4. In groups of 4 - 5, you are to develop your own survey on Survey Monkey for students at your school from Years 3 - 8.

Survey Monkey

It is important to ask questions that will help you compare to the Happiness Survey but also extend it to questions that you think are important.





Are Smart Phones really contributing to a downturn in teenage mental illness?

 High SchoolSecondary

Personal and social capabilityAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability

Ethical Understanding Australian Curriculum General Capability: Ethical Understanding


Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity



Teachers you will need to read this article beforehand to condense the article or get your students to read the full article. Reading

The Conversation

1. In an article in The Conversation 15 November 2017, the author Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology, San Diego State University claims that the extensive use of smart phones is causing detrimental effects to teenage mental health.

Is this really the case here in Australia?

2. Discussion

As a class, conduct a discussion whereby you are to come up with questions based on the article. Write all the questions down with your name next to your question on butcher's paper so you can keep it over several lessons.

3. Create an anonymous survey using Survey Monkey by using the student questions.

 Survey Monkey

4. Analyse the results and answer the question: 

"Are Smart Phones really contributing to a downturn in teenage mental illness in Australia?"

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