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Students are to read and analyse an article from The Conversation. You will need to print out the table to be filled in the Word doc here.
Students Process: 1. In groups of 3 - 4 students, you are to set up a Hospital Trauma Unit by taking on different roles for each scenario presented: Emergency Medicine Specialist [EMS] is to be the lead in each scenario. There is to be a different EMS for each scenario. As a group, you are to evaluate the following scenarios and put them in order of priority. As a group, you are to record your reasons for this order - however, the EMS has overall authority in each scenario and they are to suggest that their scenario is the most important. Fill out this table. The scenarios are all in this Word doc here.
2. Start your clock. Read the following scenarios
quickly. Assess what order they should be put in and
3. Stop the clock and record the time taken in the table. . 4. Compare your priority listing with another group. Did you have the same priorities and reasons? 5. Look at the statistics stated in the article from The Conversation 24 December 2018
What did you learn about Christmas holiday statistics? Give reasons.
1. You are to read the following article from
The Conversation 25 February 2021
2. Go back to the injuries and list them. 3. The statement says he had “comminuted open fractures affecting both the upper and lower portions of the tibia and fibula. The “upper and lower portions” suggests he has what is called a “segmental” fracture, where the bone is broken in two separate locations.” You are to draw these injuries in one half of a blank page. Remember to label the bones and the injuries. 4. On the other side of the blank page, draw what the trauma doctors did to Tiger: "His tibia and fibula were “stabilized by inserting a rod into the tibia”. 5. What else did the trauma doctors do? Describe. 6. With a partner, talk through what you have done. Share your drawings. Are they similar?
Instant Online Crossword Puzzle Maker
8. Exchange puzzles with your partner.
1. In groups of 3 - 4 students, you are to analyse the following TV show to decide which story your group will convert into a role play with the aim of extending it into a modern Australian TV series. The Royal Melbourne Hospital shows their Emergency Department: this is a factual show.
2. Could you make it into a fictional TV series? Who would be the characters? 3. Research the following Australian TV series that were big hits with the Australian public: a. The Flying Doctors [Episode Public Property] and its spin off R.F.D.S
c. The Flying Doctors 35th Anniversary - A Current Affair
d. The real Flying Doctors
RFDS WA | Go behind the scenes with our Clinical Team
4. Create a synopsis of the overall TV series - 10 episodes. 5. Create a role play of one event that could be in your TV series. 6. Act out the role play. 7. As a class, discuss the ethics behind showing the workings of the Royal Melbourne Hospital's ED.
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