Community and Health - Drug & Alcohol Counsellor
National Drug Strategy Household Survey Results Secondary Australian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy
Cooperative Learning Activity
Teacher - The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW] conducts and reports on Australian Health every 2 years. The AIHW notes on their website the updated version of their reports, here. Please use and direct students to use the latest report.
1. In groups of 3 - 4 students, investigate the following summary from the report (published 16 July 2020) by the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare [AIHW] or the latest biennial report directed by your teacher.
2. Looking at only the Summary, you are to collect all the facts and figures of the survey results and convey them in a way that teenagers will understand. You will notice that there are Data Visualisations but these can be confusing. You are to create graphs that will display all the information in a clear and conscise way.
3. What was the most astonishing fact or figure that you yourself discovered and, what was the group's fact or figure?
Vaping: how safe is it? The Chemistry Secondary Australian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy Australian Curriculum General Capability: Critical & Creative Thinking
Cooperative Learning Activity
1. In groups of 3 - 4 students, you are to read and take notes on the article from The Conversation 8 August 2018 using the Cornell Note-taking Method. Make sure you note down any questions that arise from reading the article.
2. List the facts and figures from the article. Share and compare with another group. Any differences? 3. Write up the chemical formulas for the following chemicals. Research and place an image of each chemical next to your chemical formula. a. Aldehyde b. Dopamine c. benzo[a]pyrene d. N’-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) e. propylene glycol
4. Read ONE other resource from The Conversation about vaping:
All & latest articles on Vaping
Examples: Our new study shows teen vaping is linked to childhood trauma. Here's why it might be harder to quit - 12 November 2024
As a class, discuss the question: Vaping: how safe is it?
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