Fun Activities

On The Job

Community and Health - DIETITIAN



Not all calories are equal!

  MiddleMiddle High SchoolSecondary

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Australian Curriculum General Capability:
Personal and social capability

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity


1. In groups of 3 - 4 students, you are to read the following article from The Conversation 27 December 2021 Read

The Conversation

2. Individually, using the Cornel Note-taking Method, you are to re-read the article and write up

a. Notes of interest

b. Questions about what you are unsure about


3. Compare your notes and questions with the other members of your group. Together, combine your notes and questions.

4. As a class, list all your notes of interest and see which note was the most dominant.

Discuss the questions raised from the article and see if the class can answer the questions.

5. Individually, for one week, you are to record the "Nutrition Facts" from any packaged food you eat. You are also to record all other foods - fruit, meat, vegetables and the amount (weight or number).

What is the dominant food you eat each week? What food don't you eat enough of?

6. Work out a plan to increase the foods that are healthiest for you. Share with your group. How will you support each other with this endeavour?


Stephanie Alexander - Kitchen Garden Programme: Getting Started

PrimaryPrimary TeacherTeacher

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Australian Curriculum General Capability:
Personal and social capability

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity


You need to investigate if your school is a member of the Kitchen Garden Community by searching at

If your school is part of the programme then you need to see who is the coordinator and join your class into this marvellous programme.

If your school is not part of the programme, then you need to research how you can join and what you have to do to organise the programme in your class and school. The following resources can be found at Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Foundation shop

Kitchen Garden Shop


1. Getting started: A Guide to Establishing a Kitchen Garden Program $55

2. Kitchen Garden Syllabus for Primary (Years 3 - 6): Books 1 - 4 $370 [or you can buy the books separately for $100 each]



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