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Life On The Job

Work around the house
Manufacturing & production

Community & HealthRetail & Hospitality

Leisure & EntertainmentOffice & Administration

Information, media & telecommunicationsBanking, finance & insurance


Teachers & Parents' Cafe
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"On The Job" is an online curriculum concept, blending online and offline activities into an understanding of employment and the modern workplace.

"Florence", the Information Desk lady would like to inform you that her Information Desk has been upgraded to include 4 new categories. These categories are clickable.
You can get to ALL the 12 categories by clicking on their images.

Click on a category button on Florence's information desk above to take you to a notice board with pictures of the jobs in that category. Each job has the following icons:  

Job Info  Information about that job and associated jobs

When you go to either the Activities or Links you can get back to the Job Info by clicking on this icon in the left hand side panel
Activities  Activities about the jobs and associated jobs

This icon is on the left hand side panel
Links  Links to YouTube videos, and, Australian Associations connected to those jobs.  
This icon is on the left hand side panel and is about this particular job or group of associated jobs.

On the Job website is a recognised Online Learning Destination for the Australasia & Africa Children's University

Click on the logo below to go to activities for the Australasia & Africa Children's University participants.

Australasia Children's University


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Web Award

On the Job was awarded a Golden Web Award in 2001- 2002 for innovative design.
Thanks to Glenn Bunfield and Luke Gowen our initial graphic & web designers.

The Golden Web Awards are presented in recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the web by the International Association of Webmasters and Designers (IAWD).


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