Fun Activities

On The Job

Community and Health - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST  


Helping Kids Learn Better

PrimaryPrimary Middle School Middle SecondarySecondary

Personal and social capability
Australian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and Social Capability

Critical and Creative Thinking
Australian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and Creative Thinking

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity

1. In groups of 4 - 5 students, read the following information and activity sheets from The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. These sheets are to help therapists in conjunction with an occupational therapy program. For example, Developing a pencip grip. There are 26 other topics to explore. Reading

Pencil Grip

These sheets are very comprehensive and have fun activities for kids

Fun activities

BUT they are SO boring to look at. They are all in black & white with no colour. There are some illustrations but they need brightening up like...


Select one therapy from the list of 27.

You, as a group, are to create a big, bright book with lots of images to go with the activities. You can draw the images, use magazines, or, Photoshop your own images.

3. Share with other groups in your class. Maybe send your renewed sheets to the Royal Hospital!!!


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